It All Began With Running

Patient Ambassador - Tracy Wingo’s Transplant Journey

Tracy's transplant journey began after a regular check-up at the doctor in 2016. When checking her hormone levels, they ran a full panel, identifying that Tracy's kidneys were not functioning efficiently and effectively. She was immediately referred to a nephrologist, who did a kidney biopsy and a lot of lab work to determine she had an autoimmune disease called IGA Nephropathy. This all came as a shock to Tracy and her family as she had not been sick, and lived a very healthy and active lifestyle.

At this point, doctors decided to treat Tracy with immunosuppressive medication and high doses of steroids to try and get her kidney function back and to calm the inflammation. This treatment lasted around three years before Tracy began to feel unwell again in 2019. She went in to get several labs pulled, and when the doctor called Tracy with the results, they insisted she go to the ER immediately. Her potassium level was through the roof, meaning her kidneys were no longer functioning. After a series of tests, it was determined Tracy's kidney function was at 12%, and she was told a transplant was the only option. She was transported to the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale to await her transplant and undergo further tests.

Throughout her journey, Tracy has been blessed to have the support of a great group of friends and family who were there to cheer her on every step of the way. Tracy stresses the importance of a good network to pick you up when you are down or frustrated. She notes that remaining active as much as possible was key to her speedy recovery, and helped everything go smoother than she had anticipated.

As a new member of the CKF Ambassador Team, Tracy will be working with our staff, Board, and Ambassadors to support those in the community and spread the message of organ, eye, and tissue donation. Tracy is excited to become more involved in the transplant community and help inspire others to become donors.

During this time, Tracy and her family made a social media post to let her friends know what was happening. One of her running friends immediately stepped forward and offered to be Tracy's living donor. Courtney was the second person to complete the testing and the first to be a match. Evaluations began in December 2019, and on March 4th, 2020, Courtney saved Tracy's life by donating her kidney. Both Courtney and Tracy's recoveries went well, and they both returned to making the most out of life. Nowadays, they celebrate their kidney-versary on March 4th by taking on a crazy challenge. These challenges have included hiking down the Grand Canyon and back up for year one, followed by a 100k bike ride and Ironman in year two. Last year, they tackled a 35-mile run as part of the Jackpot Ultras in Vegas. They are planning a trip to Moab to go base jumping this year! Tracy is forever grateful to Courtney for her kindness and friendship.

Since her transplant, Tracy has dived into the world of transplant and donation and now works full-time for the Transplant Community Alliance based in Phoenix, Arizona. Tracy quickly points out that she never saw herself taking this path but loves working in such a gratifying and close-to-the-heart industry. Tracy is inspired by the endless stories of perseverance and strength in the community and has been amazed by the number of individuals affected by transplants and organ, eye, and tissue donations.


A Haircut and a Transplant


Everything Happens for a Reason